About the Project

Objectives of the project: 

In the long term, pupils inside our associations, our regions and hopefully in the EU will:

  • Reach the importance of online cooperation, communication and team-working;
  • Have diverse perspectives and opinions towards the new working environment in their future lives;
  • See different points of view, perspective, diversity and smart cooperation that will influence their future fulfillment; smart and sustainable growth, economic resilience, life-long learning, and digitalization; Inherent in peer-group works and small group activities;
  • Have an impact on their career and raise their chances on the labour market going for natural science-based “smart jobs”;
  • Be able to choose their vocational education;
  • Study and work environment will be influenced. They will learn how to use an easily available source and get not only a theoretical but also a practical introduction into the usage of sustainable technology with high impact.
Imagem de GraphicMama-team por Pixabay

Teachers will: 

  • Use more digital tools and Apps to blend formal, non-formal, STEAM, PBL and online learning;
  • Direct and stimulate the students to have diverse perspectives in learning. Hence, this will have a positive impact on students to get to know future related skills, which they would need;
  • Be able to teach critical thinking, creativity, problem-slowing and more importantly remote working and/ or cooperation culture, which the project aims to generate and achieve;
  • Be able to involve students having diverse learning styles inclusively and effectively to reach out specific goals;
  • Learn to use diverse digital tools, methods and methodologies that the project generated concerning STEAM, PBL and NFE;
  • Be able to blend diverse methodologies and use different tools or real-life issues in teaching;
    Change their perspective and enlarge their mission in teaching and training;
  • Enrich their teaching styles: This enables them to lead their students in preparing for the future;
  • Have a chance to collaborate, cooperate, communicate and renew their teaching styles with their foreign peers;
  • Improve their foreign language skills and digital competencies. -increase their self esteem and be more confident;
  • Have a more positive attitude towards EU projects, EU values and understanding of the practices, policies, and systems across the EU;
  • Increase their motivation towards professional development;
  • Have opportunities of building networking with other teachers: Have the opportunity (thanks to the Project Result 2 and Project Result 5) to collaborate increasing their foreign language skills, digital competencies, communication, cooperation and team working and networking.
Imagem de David por Pixabay

Participating organisations will:

  • Have long term impact and be able to educate the future generation by having digital tools to blend formal, non-formal, STEAM, PBL and online learning;
  • Increase their capacity to build skills to educate their students while taking action on climate change;
  • Have the ability of leading kids to have the capability of understanding future job opportunities and lead those select future-related jobs and initiatives;
  • Have the efficiency of leading students goal-reaching from known to unknown concerning virtual cooperation and communication;
  • Innovate the current school curricula with new educational tools and strengthen their profile by providing more modern and digital educational services;
  • Provide more attractive education addressing the needs of students;
  • Increase their capacity and professionalism to work at the EU/ International level,
  • Be more open to creating new synergies with the schools, NGOs, and NFE from different countries;
  • Will be able to educate the future generation by having digital tools to blend formal, non-formal, STEAM, PBL and online learning. In the long term, teachers outside our associations, in our regions, geographies and hopefully in the EU will be able to have the capability of leading their students to think, compare, search and collaborate and share their ideas via online tools.
Imagem de 905513 por Pixabay